Last night on BBC4 there was a documentary which uncovered a very interesting and exciting connection.
Life and fire are one and the same, they both use oxygen in exactly the same way and E=MC2 is obeyed by them equally. The link to the documentary is behind the picture. Happy breathing!
![]() The following evening, preceded by the day behind the pictures left and last-post, led Brian and I into a discussion about dreamscape. From the idea that we are just thought forms of the Universe, and not the spontaneously-made Higher Life Forms we think we are, came the realisation that we are nothing more than organic machines. We go wrong, we switch off, we switch on again. This system of rundown and recharge is no more complicated than a car battery and like a car battery it's also a carbon unit. We carbon units need to sleep or we die, so that makes sense of that one then. Brian is a teccie, remember, who knows his machinery inside out even if he is a bit reluctant to talk about dimensions. So what are dreams? If mind is the waveform, which I'm now taking totally for granted, then it's free of the constraints the body is used to. There isn't a dimension it can't potentially access or a section of the multiverse it's unable to visit. What the mind can't do isn't in question, it knows what it can't do, and that's not a lot. The mind has infinity to play with if it wants it. Most of us don't want it to go that far. ![]() Brian and I both dream as ourselves. The dream may be wildly away from the normalities of everyday life, but we are ourselves as we are now, the same age and the same person. For others, it seems, the constraints are looser, and they can dream themselves as other people altogether, some even go so far as being different life forms. The point is, the mind needs its time off. Coping with the pressures of a singular, 3D, grounded reality is just too much for any self-respecting mind to handle, so it insists on regular holidays or the girl dies. "Your dreamtime or your life, People of Earth. We insist on nothing less if we're to get you to where you want to be." The mind in this respect is both a singular and a collective at the same time, as Light is a collective of photons while also being omnipresent - which is perhaps quite a feat for any life form. Hey, making hay while the suns shines, maybe I may humbly suggest that we dump the whole ‘parameter of life' questions and just get on with learning what we can about how life works, rather than gettin' bogged down with the details. Whether or not something needs a brain to be conscious is very old-hat now. Let's move on. ![]() What we experience in Dreamscape is therefore no less real than what we experience of conscious reality, it's just an extension of our mind's capacity for freedom. And as everywhere in life, it's as well to be careful what you wish for, and think about thoughts being very powerful indeed. Thoughts are the gravity that brings Mind home, they choose where to lead us, so perhaps us electromagnetic units had better start making friends with our electrons. Enter the Thoughton? The time to link all three sites with the product of a discussion at the kitchen table has come. Suddenly it seems a new take on some puzzling themes seem to make a whole lot more potential sense around here.
![]() Synchronicity is a bridge between the physical and spiritual - or metaphysical - worlds, and it's the only way the two can meet in our reality with any kind of perceived meaning. As humans, our job being to learn, we have a ready set of parameters available in learning about ourselves which the quantum realms of science have delivered to us, on a plate, as a map our minds can safely follow. We are made of quarks, and quarks oscillate, changing all the time, never still, constantly affecting our physical countenance as the mood takes our countenance to be. As depressed people, we vibrate with an energy others wish to avoid, and they counteract that energy by fending it off defensively, not wanting to get involved, telling us to ‘snap out of it' so that they can go back to their own comfort zone unscathed by the discomfort we feel in ourselves. As happy people, we attract a totally different response - a smile, a nod of the head as we pass by, a constructive conversation, a ‘good time'. So the pendulum swings between love and fear, a constant duality with which we have to live, countered and counterbalanced by the influences around us and the dogs inside our souls we choose to feed. There's a Buddhist principle which says we are two beasts (the dog being the animal I believe is applied in this analogy), one negative and one positive, one feared and one loved. Whichever dog we feed is the strongest of the two. This can of course change at any time, and we can indeed ‘snap out' of a negative state if a situation demands us to be confident in dealing with it, and we then allow ourselves the merit of being able to command the right energy. A knock at the door from an unexpected guest can do this, or a win on the lottery. Aside from rare possibilities such as these, the best place to find this positive energy is in something around you at the time, something that might seem so commonplace as to be unimportant. But cleaning the kitchen or writing a blog or doing anything constructive with our time feeds us love energy, for we see a positive result, we've done something, and we are allowed to love what we do - that's the whole point of the exercise. Beating ourselves up for things we've said and agonising over mistakes we've made or might make is tantamount to pouring weedkiller over a growing lawn. ![]() Quarks are the fundamental blocks of matter, things of which we are made. This will not change while we are alive on this plane. When we change our mind, our quarks immediately respond. Major transformations happen in people for this reason, over time, when a better disposition makes for a more positive countenance and that new philosophy of life paves the way for a new manifestation of spirit to become physical in evidence. I know several people this has happened to, myself included. Our thoughts count. They count for so much, in fact, that letting them run on a rollercoaster of negativity is like pouring spiritual currency down the drain. If love was money, we wouldn't waste our time so frivolously on fear. Synchronicity is, if my interpretation is correct, a point in time when spiritual and physical boundaries meet, when an influence beyond our sight calls in a card to be placed on our table, when the Universe (or perhaps safer to say, its representative at the time) responds to something we need in a way we can perceive. For this reason, synchronicities are allowed to be personal, the moments in which they occur reflective of things that are meaningful only to us, and if we are lucky enough to share a synchronicity with another person or people to whom the meaning is also clear, the corresponding energy pulse is that much greater. We recognise this at a level we don't fully understand, but undeniably share, and this is why Jung and Planck and so many other great philosophical and scientific minds have puzzled over its existence, power and complexity. The fact that it may be comparatively simple in the essence of its application does nothing to quell the sense of mystery synchronicity inflicts upon our waking senses. ![]() Quarks come in six paired varieties, Up and Down, Strange and Charmed, Beauty and Truth. There is much more to be diagnosed from these descriptions than can comfortably be covered here at this moment in time, but for now it's simply worth pondering upon, for these essences are the very fabric of our personal, collective and universal existence, and they correspond accordingly to all the laws which the quantum realm is given to allow. Little is prohibited in the quantum realm, but all things are possible, because they can be so. Warp Factor 8? The next blog - "Infinity, Captain." |
AuthorKathy is the author of Quantumology. She met up with quantum mechanics in 1997, pledging allegiance to its sources thereafter. These are her personal thoughts and testimonies. Archives
April 2023