We all grew up thinking we lived in a 3D world. Reality was solid, and while some weird people claimed to see things that others couldn't, they were generally assigned to a fringe group referred to as 'spiritualists'. If you were born on the edge of the Millennium, some time after the Eighties, it might look a bit different to you, but the general consensus has been pretty much the same for a long time. Until now. These days, everyone wants to know about their own spirituality and how to advance it. You're not a freak if you've experienced something metaphysical - in fact you're likely to be frowned upon if you still refuse to believe that there's Something Out There beyond the reality we can see. This movement started with scientific certification of other dimensions and public knowledge of what was going on. In fact quantum theorists had relied on an understanding of multiple dimensions for several decades already, but this wasn't widely known, for the doors of academia were firmly shut and in the style of military enforcement, scientists didn't talk about their work outside their peer group. All that has changed, thanks to CERN and Fermilab and the LHC, which has brought cutting-edge research home to roost and made Quantum a household name in everything from dishwashing tablets to deodorants. We're living in a different era now, and many of us are experiencing the effects of metaphysics in ways we didn't expect. Image above from Annenberg Learner, String Theory and Extra Dimensions (page linked to image) This is a compactified dimension visualised according to string theory, but as you can see, it's really just 3 dimensions twisted up a bit. You can find a lot about other dimensions on the Net, so no need to go into detail here - look for Kalusa-Klein as a good place to start. But it's not the science that's brought me here to write this, it's a strange version of Love that's caught a lot of people these days. Some are going through dark times in struggling to reason it out, what it's all for, and increasingly commonly, having to accept that the connection they share with A.N. Other is a long way off the standard track of physicality. I'm taking note, because it's happened to me - a continuation of something that started many, many years ago. There are droves of damaged people in the world right now, some of whom have a real problem with Love. Many can't bring themselves to step up to high bars, ending up in hollow relationships while shying away from those that seem 'too deep'.
Like water, this Love has to go somewhere, and it appears - big-time - to have breached the dimensional divide. There are plenty of references in relevant circles to 5D, an all-encompassing term to cover physical sensations over distance, telepathy, and what's commonly coined 'spiritual sex'. Is this 5D interface a platform for those who daren't face depths in 3D to experience Love on higher levels without actually being with their 'other half'? Hundreds - thousands - of stories tell of narcissists, abusers, liars, drunks and cheats being loved beyond reason by people they're not with. And whoever did the running or the chasing seems not to matter much any more - what matters is what level you find yourself on day to day, how you maintain your balance, and where you find the template for Unconditionalism that everyone agrees is the best way to go from here. The question is, has the Fifth Dimension become the portal to the Fifth Element for deeply spiritual beings who, due to the psychologically crippling effects of dysfunctional childhood, are unable to stretch their emotional boundaries any other way? Let's face it, we've all got plenty of healing to do - I'm not counting myself out of the challenged equation, but I do stand by honesty and refuse to be drawn by deceit. Those lucky enough to be loved by someone who has enough faith to breach the unseen and live with the consequences, are they blazing trails for others to follow? Maybe loving via the 5D portal is the only permanent solution for those who spent their lives covering a sensitive soul with protective, illusionary shields. Smoke and mirrors, secrets and lies, 5D leaves no room for fiction in its simplistic, sensational communication system. In quantum terms, you're experiencing entanglement and non-locality, and it should all get much easier from there. You may be joining the few who were meant to break through, as the rambunctious energy of Love finds new, deeper channels for its omnipotence.
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AuthorKathy is the author of Quantumology. She met up with quantum mechanics in 1997, pledging allegiance to its sources thereafter. These are her personal thoughts and testimonies. Archives
April 2023