Since all this 4-dimensional info started filtering in, the thinking provoked is very interesting. When I looked in the mirror this morning it occurred to me that what I'm looking at isn't just a flat reflection of myself, it's another version of myself in mirror-image, my anti-self, the other side of me that makes for my universal symmetry. Scientists bang on about symmetry all the time and there's even a particle physics magazine devoted to its name. What we have here in the mirror is a portal based on liquid and reflection, a 3-D version of the quantum mirror in Stargate and lots of other sci-fi programmes, and just because we can't slip a hand in and touch each other's fingertips here in 3-D space doesn't mean we don't have a symbiotic connection with ourselves across the branes of the Multiverse. So next time you catch yourself in the mirror '''' consider your reflection as the other side of yourself that's been caught at the same time as you have. There in front of you is a friend you can count on, who have each other's interests at heart. When you leave the mirror, there's no telling what your other half is up to and your other half won't know what you're doing, either. When you get back to the mirror and have a chat about it, you can agree to go off and do what needs to be done next to get on with getting a better life out of the time available. Then you can throw a glance at each other when you next catch yourselves in the moment, and maybe give a quick wink. It's okay, you know. Everything's fine. Glass is liquid, silver reflects a pure light. Combined as they are in mirrors, this meld gives us a 3-D doorway. Here in 3-D flatland we have no chance of 4-D security clearance, there won't be an access code coming along in this lifetime. Think about it. Our link to 4th dimensional living space was right there in front of us all along. Go behind the pics to find out where they came from. To answer your comment, Matt, time isn't a spacial dimension, it's just a measurement of cycles with meaning to us because we have a life span which we segment into pieces to give an order to our existence. Animals don't need it, we just end up taking the measurements for them.
Living as 3-D beings means that we are stuck with looking at 2-D space, so we only ever see a flat picture in front of us which our brain, understanding as it does the role of photons in making things visible, interprets light and shade as it fills up the picture. This understanding doesn't stop the picture in front of us from being flat, and we cannot access matter beyond the surface electron layer, we're not allowed. This is why we can't put our hand through walls, or draw a 4-dimensional object which isn't just a 2-D interpretation of what one might "look like". Science suggests that dimensions are sorted at right angles to each other, so explaining why they can't be 'seen', along with the curled-up-in-little-packets theory that just wants to tuck them up out of sight, out of mind. Once we get ourselves to a point where we can "think 3-D" then maybe we can make friends with our Universe in ways we'd never thought possible?
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I'd like to share a suspicion here. You might have heard various arguments about whether or not neutrinos travel faster than the speed of light. Well, if they do, then their entire relationship with time is affected. In fact, neutrinos being faster than light would make them sub-spacial entities and it is amazing that we can detect them at all. Their ability to travel unhindered through matter lends itself to a suggestion that they oscillate between the three- and four-dimensional planes, which in turn would mean that their relationship with time is more malleable than we can perceive from here in this three-dimensional 'universe'. These are neutrino tracks, graphically interpreted from live experiments in which neutrinos are detected by their interaction with more materially-based particles like electrons. The fact that these interactions are so uncommon does suggest that something is special about the neutrino, alongside the fact that I'd never heard of them when my mentors from somewhere I can't see asked me to look them up. In the fourth dimension, one platform up from this one, there are no constraints of physical position as there are in this world we know. Our singularity in 3-D space has a point for its position, but a singularity in 4-D space is not confined to a point. While our ability to draw (on the 2-D level) is confined to using the point of a pencil, the 4-D artist uses 3-D materials to create her work, to construct shapes with depth, having internal and external features, all in the line of standard practice. In the fourth dimension, the constraints and constants we impose on our most advanced scientific work would appear ludicrous. Einstein called non-locality "spooky action at a distance" - in the 4-D world, it's a way of life.
The article behind the image above goes into the depths of telepathy and synchronicity in connecting them with non-locality. My hunch is that we're just starting to scratch the top layer off some very important truths that will change the way we feel about our world, and how we view our lives, and which will make sense of the influences and shared thoughts which we experience every day, whether we are aware of it or not. The 4-D world is our nextdoor neighbour, and maybe we've just walked up to the garden fence. |
AuthorKathy is the author of Quantumology. She met up with quantum mechanics in 1997, pledging allegiance to its sources thereafter. These are her personal thoughts and testimonies. Archives
April 2023